LifeGroup Info

LifeGroups are a fabulous time to get to know one another as we live in community as believers of Jesus Christ.  L.G.’s are designed to get deeper into God’s Word as we care for one another and the needs that arise.

 What to bring:

Typically just yourself, a Bible, and possibly a writing instrument if you are one to take notes. The host (typically the persons home you are meeting in) may ask for help in providing the snacks.  So a sign up sheet will be used to divide the snack responsibilities from week to week.  You can also expect the host to contact you to remind you of your snack duty if it is your week. You may also hear from your host if you missed the previous week as this is a way to care for you and your family.  Some hosts may also be open to having you children come along.

 Typical format:

6:30pm- The group starts. (If you are late please come in without much distraction)
-Fellowship with snacks.
-Prayer to open group.
-Go over the lesson
-Ask for Prayer requests….Pray
By 8:00pm- The group is closed.